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Working Groups and Committees

PEACH has several active Working Group and Committees. Please reach out to us if you would like to join one or more of our Working Groups and Committees.

Advocacy and Policy

The purpose of the Advocacy and Policy Working Group is to monitor, inform and advocate for legislation, policy, and systems change as it pertains to ECE/CD IHE and the ECE workforce through the lens of equity and inclusivity.


Activities include:

  • Conducting Advocacy Training

  • Disseminateing Legislative and Policy Information to PEACH Partners

  • Developing a screening plan for advocacy policy priorities

  • Participateing in CAPPA Advocacy Day and ECE Coalition Advocacy Efforts

  • Buildinging relationships with legislators


The Advocacy and Policy Working Group meets the 1st Monday of the month from 3:00 - 4:00 pm


Anti-Racism and Equity

The Anti-Racism and Equity Working Group actively works to create an equitable society. Since the inception the group has kept at the forefront the constant need to use an equity lens to review and revise our teaching practices, campus, community, and larger systems’ practices. This group works to address the systemic issues that impact the professional preparation of ECE students and commits to equitable ways to work with children, families, and communities.


Activities include:

•Co-hosting the Banning our Babies: Addressing the Suspensions of Black Children throughout Early Childhood Education.Webinar with Black Minds Matter

•Developing recommendations for curriculum for IHE that want to move forward - June 2022

•Convening with faculty to embed anti-racism work in CD/ECE courses


The Anti-Racism and Equity Working Group meets on the 1st Thursday of the month from 1:00 - 2:00.



Child Development Permit

The CD Permit Working Group is committed to creating equity and maintaining inclusion for those seeking and holding the Cdhild Development Permit.  All our endeavors will be guided by this commitment.


Activities  include:

  • Following the actions of the CTC regarding the CD Permit and responding as needed with position statements or public comments.

  • Advocating for positions on the CTC specifically for ECE experts.

  • Informing all IHEs and students interested in applying for a permit or permit renewal regarding requirements. (Workforce pathways grant - continue, expand)


The CD Permit Working Group meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month from  10:00 -11:00 am


Communication and Outreach

The Communication and Outreach Committee works to promote PEACH to the larger community and keeping the membership up to date on activities both internal and in the larger advocacy and public policy areas. Current projects include the newsletter, website maintenance and planning for the 10-year PEACH anniversary.


Activities include:

•Creating and distributing a quarterly PEACH Newsletter

•Updating the PEACH Website


The Communication and Outreach Committee meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month from 2:00 - 3:00 pm


ECE Credential

The ECE Credential Working Group focuses on advocacy and support of a P-3 credential in California. Activities range from participation and group support on CTC initiatives, public comment at CTC commission meetings, tracking and discussing relevant senate and assembly bills, gathering support across our membership and other organizations, and making recommendations to state bodies working on ECE. The work depends on researching and linking specific systems’ and teaching knowledge in ECE to state initiatives.


Activities include:

  • Reviewing the CTC Agenda and developing written responses, as appropriate

  • Createing a one page UPK/TK Fact Sheet to disseminate to legislators

  • Developing an action plan to target legislators for new legislation related to an early childhood credential


The ECE Credential Working Group meeting every other Monday from 10:00 - 11:00 am.


ECE Doctoral and Research Working Group

The Doctoral and Research Group focuses on creating an early childhood doctoral program in California. This group also conducts research to support PEACH activities and funding opportunities.

Activities include:


  • Collaborating with IHEs interested in starting a doctoral program.

  • Exploring scholarships and mentorship for people of color to access graduate opportunities and career paths

  • Pursuing grants and funding opportunities for research and development in the ECE field


he Doctoral and Research Group meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month from10:00 – 11:00 am



The Practicum Working Group is in the process of being formed. Check back for more information.


Workforce Development Committee

As a part of Workforce Pathways LA and in partnership with  OAECE, PEACH will revise and deliver an updated WPLA Career and College Advisement Toolkit and a second WPLA Toolkit training. PEACH will also utilize the Toolkit to offer advisement clinics to WPLA stipend participants. PEACH will provide content expertise and lead activities related to the higher education section of the career and college toolkit and the higher education components of advisement.


Activities include:

·Refining the unit bearing higher education guide in the career and college advisement toolkit for early educators

·Conducting higher education advisement clinics to Workforce Pathways LA participants.

·Convening a community of practice for the early care and education workforce support system.


The Workforce Development Committee meets every other Monday from 11:00 – 12:00

Let's Work Together

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