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Events, News, and Blogs
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Using Anti-Bias & Anti-Racist Practices to Support Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
PEACH‘s Anti-Racism & Equity Working Group and QSLA have partnered to launch this new series “Using Anti-Bias & Anti-Racist Practices to...

Banning our Babies: Addressing the Suspensions of Black Children throughout ECE
PEACH collaborated with Black Minds Matter to present a webinar titled Banning our Babies: Addressing...

Coming Together to Support High-Quality P-3 Teacher Preparation in California (June 30, 2022)
With California’s expansion of transitional kindergarten (TK) and the development of a P-3 credential, the state has a pivotal...

Webinar Series for Higher Education: Preparing Teachers to Effectively Support Multilingual Learners
Early Edge California and PEACH (an early childhood higher education collaborative) have partnered to present a three-part webinar...

Standing Against Systemic Inequalities
Dear Friends, Our hearts and minds are heavy with the death of George Floyd, as well as the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and...

California Early Childhood Mentor Program (CECMP)
PEACH strongly supports full funding for the California Early Childhood Mentor Program (CECMP). CECMP serves a unique, foundational and...

Standing with the Asian American Pacific Islander Community
Dear Friends, The shooting deaths of eight people, including six Asian American women, in Atlanta was a horrific act of violence, and...

ECE Competencies Mapping Tool Meetings
ECE Mapping Tool Cluster Meeting II: April 26, 2019 10:00 - 2:00 Long Beach City College Pacific Coast Campus, Room is HH-103 1305 E....

PEACH CD Permit Webinar
Please share the latest PEACH webinar with your colleagues and students. To Watch the New PEACH PowerPoint Presentation - California...

Why Play Matters in Early Childhood
CCCECE, PEACH, and Play Matters! Invites you to join us in a conversation on Why Play Matters in Early Childhood JOIN US IN THE...
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