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PEACH Advocacy Update

Commission on Teacher Credentialing Adopts the EC Performance Expectations and Program Guidelines


On February 7, 2019 the CTC presented Item 4B for Information/Action - Child Development Permit: Candidate Performance Expectations and Preparation Program Guidelines


PEACH provided written recommendations and public comment at this meeting.  PEACH wants to give a wholehearted thank you to CTC staff for their ongoing collaboration with PEACH and the ece field as they developed and revised the performance expectations and program guidelines. We are encouraged by the response of the CTC commissioners to consider these documents as “living documents” and to adopt these performance expectations and program guidelines with the suggestions regarding dual language learners and child-initiated play.  We look forward to collaborating with CTC to help develop language around child-initiated play and any of the other key areas identified from the stakeholder feedback.


We are excited about next steps of incorporating and integrating the performance expectations and program guidelines into our IHE student learning outcomes and programs. We also look forward to contributing to the conversations around the CD Permit Matrix and the Early Childhood Specialist Credential.


Once again, a great big thanks CTC staff for thier hard work, commitment, and expertise.

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